Matrix Parody Final

Final product for my production class. Towards the end of the project I found that one of the hardest parts was actually bringing everything together in a structured, clean, and organized matter. Thankfully, since I worked in separate files for each part of project  it made bringing everything into one file became more streamlined.

Creating a proper character set up was a big part of this: by creating a character file that I could reference in with the rig, shaders, sim geometry, and render geometry that could easily be wrapped/blendshaped to sim chaches to avoid having to re-apply shaders every time I updated the scene. This same rig could be used for simulation so I wouldn't need to set it up every time I wanted to simulate in a new scene.

Neo Cloth Test

First pass at running an nCloth sim on top of my animation. The biggest thing I have to fix right now is making a clear distinction on the real time vs slow motion parts as it occurs in the original and maybe cleaning up more of the arm movements. Next would be simming the shirt and coat on top of the final animation.

Neo Model and Look Dev

I decided to take a 3D production class to implement some of my experience of working in different parts of the pipeline and learn some new things regarding animation, not to mention the chance to make a muppet of Neo! We only have ten weeks to go through the whole pipeline and create all our assets so it posses some interesting obstacles.

A rough cut of the scene from the Matrix that I chose to parody for my film. I simplified many of the original aspects of the shots so they would fit better in a Muppet world.