Hiya there!

If you've gotten this far you probably want to know a few extra things about me. Born and raised in Puerto Rico, I studied at Savannah College of Art and Design, where I got my BFA in VFX. I’ve spent my time in Vancouver working at studios such as MPC, Image Engine, Dneg, and Digital Domain, working on movies such as Sonic and Detective Pikachu(which was a childhood dream come true just to get to look at Pikachu every day for six months). Most recently I spent a year at Dreamworks Feature Animation in California, where I worked on my first fully animated projects for the last year.

My CG interest are character effects and modeling, but out side of work I love to draw, dog training, and watch bad horror movies!

I’m currently located in LA county, California and am open to fully remote work, or hybrid if the studio is local for me. I am not currently open for relocation.

For some more technical facts about me here’s some of the things I’ve been focusing on for the last couple of years:

  • My main concentration is cloth simulation and cloth builds.

  • I'm also very familiar with technical side of animating deformers and skin fixes: everything from enhancing facial features, anatomy, to adding fake secondaries when simulating or dynamics is not an option.

  • I'm very aware of how the live-action and animation feature pipeline works up and downstream, the general dos and don't of knowing what will and wont work in a shot.

  • Some other areas I also have experience in: simulating fur and hair, muscle dynamics, environment dynamics, cloth RnD, writing simple python scripts, helping manage teams, giving feedback, and just generally lending a hand!
